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Monero prices are the value listed
+ the % fee listed
For example $100 current + 10% fee = $110

Note: We do not allow calls from VOIP, internet or burner app phone numbers.
This is for fraud prevention and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you prefer not to share a valid number you are welcome to use our cash by mail service.

Cash in Hand / Local trade
Fee: 8%-25% (for more info choose a location from our main page)
Amounts: $50-$15,000
Requirements: Valid phone number. Photo ID if amount is over $9500.

Cash by Mail
Fee: 8%
Amounts: $50-$9500
Requirements: USPS tracking information No ID required
US Postal Service ONLY (no FedEX or UPS)

Money Order by Mail
Fee: 10%
Amounts: $50-$9500
Requirements: Valid phone number. Stubs/receipt required

Check by Mail
Fee: 12%
Amounts: $50-$9500
Requirements: Valid phone number. 1-10 day hold depending on bank and amount. Call for more details.

Gift Cards
Fee: varies
Amounts: $10-$500
Requirements: Valid phone number. Cards over $50 must be physically mailed to us. Amazon, Google and more. Call for prices based on your particular card.